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Mona Lisa Or La Gioconda Learn About This Enigmatic Painting
'Mona Lisa' Or 'La Gioconda'? Learn About This Enigmatic Painting
Oct 22, 2020 / English / 2 mins read

Are you an art lover? Discover some fun facts about this famous painting: the Mona Lisa.


- The Mona Lisa was drawn during the Italian Renaissance between 1503 and 1517 by the italian painter Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) who, in addition to being a painter, was also a scientist, inventor and architect. Some of his other famous paintings are: The Last Supper and Vitruvian Man.


-The Mona Lisa is believed to be the portrait of Lisa Gherardini, commissioned by her husband Francesco del Giocondo.


- The painting was stolen in 1911 and was missing for two years. The thief, Vincenzo Peruggia, was caught delivering it to an antique dealer in Florence.


- The portrait's Italian name La Gioconda is the feminine form of her married name (Giocondo). In French it is known by the variant La Joconde. Though derived from Lisa's married name there is the added significance that the name derives from the word for "happy" (in English, "jocund") or "the happy one".


- The painting is considered enigmatic because the "happy" part of her smile is buried in a low spatial frequency pattern. If you're not looking directly at her mouth, her smile looks cheerful. But when you look directly at her smile, parts of it disappear into the background.


- Mona Lisa is on display at the Louvre Museum, in Paris.


- The work was painted with oil using a technique called "sfumato", used to soften tones.


- Many believe that the work of art was painted on a large canvas, but the truth is that it is not that big, it measures 77 cm x 53 cm.


Do you know any other interesting facts about this famous painting or others? Tell us in the comments section!


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- The work was painted with oil using a technique called "sfumato", used to soften tones.


- Many believe that the work of art was painted on a large canvas, but the truth is that it is not that big, it measures 77 cm x 53 cm.


Do you know any other interesting facts about this famous painting or others? Tell us in the comments section!


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I am a traveler, language learner and artist.
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